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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 15, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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service. lou: my emotion right now is nostalgia those issue are good hey are both republicans. lou: andy levy joanne nosunkhiski thank you. kennedy: happyitty hump day. libty was th-- liberty of the b, it was make a wish night on that las vegas stage. >> 100% clean electric grid by 2015. >> tax credits for solar and for wind. kennedy: marty is full of hot wind, that nothing compared to bernie's need to spend, spend. >> make every public college and university in this country free,
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you don't cut social security you expand it, raise minimum wage on $15 hand hour. kennedy: why stop there? why not start at $50. >> undocumented immigrants getting opponent care. >> investing in infrastructure and clean energy, invest in science and research, grow our economy. >> hillary, please, tell me more about opportunity. >> bill and i have been blessed, i want to make sure every single person in this country have the same opportunities that he and i have had. kennedy: to abuse power and milk foreign governments like dairy cows for your own personal gain while compromising national security, neat. >> i do support the use of medical marijuana, we need to do
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more research so we know how we're going to help people. kennedy: research would be great, you cannot research something that is scheduled with lsd and meth, as no accepted medical use. why not address that? because you are high? no that was bill, here is a pick of him watching, so lovely, just so proud. but when you pan out wider -- there is lincoln chafee, he has friends. carat top and a male stripper, a fun night. i hope they got on the plane back to chappaqua. there was plenty of crazy last night. >> i just arrived by dad died in office, i was appointed to office -- >> blah blah. metric, and actual there was a little good crazy. >> which enemy are you most proud of?
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>> the enemy hold soldier who through the grenade at me, but he is not around to talk to. kennedy: the crowd loved it. first audition for vice president is done, for next one i hope they serve uzo, we will officially be greece if one of these is elected. bernie sanders said he does not care about hillary clinton's e-mail scandal, that is too bad. because judge napolitano has something you need to hear. >> donald trump said he should have secret service protection. is that really necessary? todd hoffman from discovery channel gold rush, he is hear to search the studio for gold. glad you are here, i am kennedy.
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kennedy: all right last night hardly anyone took a swipe at hillary clinton. are the backbenchers auditioning for vice president or afraid that hillary will kill them in their sleep? we welcome our party panel, dave smith, guy benson, to tom shalu, host of red eye. >> thank you. >> thank you, tom. >> why didn't they go after her? i thought they had ripe opportunities to take her down? >> because they are not interested this beating her. kennedy: oh. >> that is in case anyone was curious anything to last night it became clear no one on that sting, including bernie sanders has the with with all or desire to beat hillary clinton and be the democratic nominee, they are a token opposition, they are
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playing patty cake, they circled the wagons on issues that she is super vulnerible, she is the frontrunner and will remain show i guess with possibility of biden getting in but not sure. kennedy: no opposition just their full blessing. it seemed like amateur hour with a bunch of boos. >> really amateur, that term in boxing the canvass and a knee, they clue the -- they threw the match, they did not even make it look look, in a were not trying,. kennedy: it reminded me of what vladimir putin plays hockey against the nhl players and he scores 15 goals that is what it was like. >> those hockey players made it look better. kennedy: i think that the nhl players would have done a
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getter job onstage. how much more do you loflin conchafee today -- lincoln chafee today? >> that worse than perry's oops moment. are you kidding me. kennedy: it was a -- >> they are right it makes you realize, we get lost in 24 hour cycle, step back, this is the field,. kennedy: many of us expected joe biden to show up but he did not. it could have been a game changer listen to mark penn. >> in joe biden was going to get in the race, last week was his chance, he gave hillary clinton a free debate, it a lot tougher to get in, i say 2 to 1 he does not get in. kennedy: a vegas oddsmaker right there. did biden miss the opportunity? >> apparently, i don't think
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there was an opportunity, they are all in grime, every is ready to -- agreement, they are ready to go, most of media and all of the democrats are ready to core nate, hillary. i for a moment i thought that birp i wabernie was on his own. i thought he was going all the way, but he is not. kennedy: he is not hungry for him. >> no he likes vermont. kennedy: they have creameries and maple syrup and ben and jerry, what more does a a socialist need. was it last hurrah for her big indictment. >> i disagree with everyone saying that boyden is not getting -- biden is not getting in i think he is, this is the best chance he has, she will be unlikeable. you are right about bernie sanders, this is most gentle
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revolution i heard. but i don't want to criticize anyone. kennedy: that so revolutio revon airy. how long can one mole from the sidelines, they say joe biden is moling. >> the clock is ticking. you have to get in, if you get in, keep in mind there are only 6 scheduled debates, 1/6 is gone, i think, i may be 50-50 on him. kennedy: i am with dave, i think he is getting in. >> really? >> you know how well i do on quizy with this show, i say he is not getting in, they have decided on hillary, they are all in. >> one thing that struck me watching last night. if elithbe warren got in the race early oi think she would be the front runner. kennedy: i do not disagree.
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the progressive arm of the democratic party pulled this race. >> and look how much excitement bernie sanders has generated. there are a lot of people that want anyone but hillary but people see him as not plausible as many stream candidate. she is a woman. without all that baggage. >> does she mention that. kennedy: she is so womanly, he reminded people 15 times, i realize something watching this, they both have ocd, bernie sanders and hillary clinton, they can only recite the same talking points, his is scrum bells infrastructure -- crumbling infrastructure, minimum wage, and blah, blah, blah, and she is well, it was legal mr. m for me to do it and allowed, imsorry for that please hold on, more with the panel, discussing a surprise twist in the republican polls that many
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people missed laws of last night's debate. kennedy: hillary and her opponent try to brush pass the e-mail scandals, judge napolitano is having none of it, he is here to break it down,
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♪ cut you up ♪
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kennedy: i've always said know your murphies, that was peter, support for benghazi his -- ben carson has nearly doubled putting him went striking distance of donald trump. look at carson 23%, ted cruz is only other double digit candidate. my panel is back. dave, guy and tom. it is on. i will start with you dave. ben carson and donald trump are so close in this fox news poll, that dr. carson is going to have to separate them surgically. your thoughts? >> it is very interesting. because they are two most politically incorrect people in the race by far. that is the common thread, rand paul needs to go crazy politically up correct now that is his is only chance. the next question he get, his
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answer has to be who wrote that question the jews? he would get a 20 point bump then we can start talking about freedom. kennedy: everyone beats hillary in this fox news poll, everyone, trump, rubio, even lincoln chafee if he switched to republican side. but joe biden beats everyone but ben carson in the swing states in the quinnipiac poll, what does this factor in that the candidate we love best is not the general elect candidate. >> in fox news poll biden beats all republicans, except carson where they are tied, i think some would say, your numbers are best when you are not an actual declared. kennedy: that was not true with donald trump. >> that is true, there is a second push back, if you look at fundamentals, at this stage,
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head-to-heads are silly, we're so far from november. what does matter is, approval, what matters is favrah bill tie, like bill tie -- favrah bil. >> kennedy: they say carson is more ethical tha average politician,t is not hard to do. carson has surged 11 points since august, is this the back-to-school boost. >> he hit on something, politically incric incollect pee loud, he is a quiet incorrect people, this is a revelation, you can whisper, it is plowing people's mind. >> he mutters nazi comparisons. kennedy: like a sober mel gibson.
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not really, no that was not -- accurate. >> do not apol arkansas poll -- apologize ever. >> that is trump carson poll. kennedy: is there any hope, watches democratic debate, is there any hope that a libertarian is going to emerge or at least streak or a mile fetish in someone who watches libertarian videos? >> um, i say it every time, ron paul 2016, we have to wait for him he will be 95 when he wins, this and i hate to say it, this has gone. i predicted rand paul would have a huge libertarian moment, not happening. kennedy: is it the message or messenger. >> what is encouraging, he is a right wing guy. kennedy: we're warm and we drink. >> i don't want to see libertarians go off and be a third party, i want to stay in alliance with the right.
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this proves they have better friends with republicans, you saw a burc bunch of statest on e statement last night. kennedy: more coming up, donald trump wants his own secret service detail, the panel will discuss, perhaps volunteering. did hillary clinton server woes go from a their issue to national security liability? judge napolitano next on that, stay here.
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kennedy: held low, welcome back, last night senator bernie
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sanders scored points with hillary had he said this about the ongoing furor over her private server as secretary of state. >> i think that the secretary is right, ha is that american people are sick and tired of hearing about th damn e-mails. >> thank you. kennedy: they continued to big news. hillary's set up left her server wide open to attack more vulnerable than we thought before, joining us judge andrew napolitano be. bernie gives hillary this massive gift, do you think that fbi said we're sick of it too. >> no, and she has been advised by people around her not to laugh at this. you don't taunta tann the alligr
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until you cross the stream, she has maybe 50 fbi ages examining whether she committed espionage by failing on protect national securitsecurity rhetts. -- purge, because she swore under oath to a federal judge she ub submitted every e-mail back to the state department that was governmental, then the benghazi committee after subpoenaing the servserver of cid bloomenthal discovered e-mails -- there she did not give to the state department, add to that, she and her eads wer aides were helpingr
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husband maneuver his way to foreign government to get the 750,000 speaking fees. kennedy: she said, i want everyone to have the same opportunities that bill and i have. >> to utilize your wife's official position as secretary of state to get you through the thicket of foreign laws and regulations, so you can make this speech, is certainly worthy of an fbi investigation. kennedy: that is an abuse of power, she already knows her way around the white house, she made that clear. what do you hung is going to happen when she gets top job, now, the server was more vulnerable to hackers, she has to answer a lot of questions, in next week's benghazi hearings. what could change the se investigation. >> it depends on how truthful she will be, and how pointed the questions are, i am a little
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worries about the questioning. because, questioners are politicians, they are not trained cross-examine uers. if the questioners are trying to make points, for the evening news, we're not getting anywhere. but if they know how to cross-examine and know what evidence they have in front of them, and know what the documents reveal, they will be able to ask her questions, that she isn't truthfuly answer under oath without incriminating herself. kennedy: that is the point the if the ups are critical. my worry is that this select commity is so politicized thanks to kevin mccarthy's comment. >> she has a 59 with respect to his comment, why he said that i don't know, the trey goudie i
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know is running a serious professional nonpolitical investigation. but the fbi, is not running a political investigation, they could care less what her last name circumstance he or what her husband once did they are concerned with whether or not national security of the breached, and whether federal laws were violated. kennedy: when are we going to see a recommendation, is the president just going to run out of the office. >> according to director of fbi in mid to late january, expect a recommendation it will be nothing or indict. kennedy: just in time for iowa caucus. >> judge napolitano thank you. >> it continues to unravel, even though she got a big fat w, good job. >> rand paul is running for president, but he is getting
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testy about it, how about known testy about it, how about known is jury al [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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kennedy: when life gives you weird news, than the lord, and take refuge here, this topical storm, mike and mary host omaha, nebraska finest morning show they had a critter sitter on, they did not think they would get a face full of skunk juice. >> oh. >> oh, my goodness. are you okay? >> that is the last time you are coming on the show.
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>> what he did not tell them, that is not water, left over. that kip. that reminds me of staff pranked me durkan -- animal segment we have a make on set, it was -- snake on sit it was out of control, watch. you never see my boots from the side, it is really weird but they are sexy, i am fine. topic two. >> never too early to train your kids for the olympics, a confirmed fact michael phelps learns swim skills i outero. >> we're having a party.
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kennedy: i love it. rollie pollying, i gave her a 4.7. well done. >> topic three. rand paul of the reaching to the kids with their technology. his man curls waves in the breeze, spending a day live streaming, one question on the minds of quite a few young liberty lovers, is rand paul still running for president? the third question most popular question, is rand paul still running for president, and i don't know, wouldn't be doing this dumbass live streaming if i were not.
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this is not live, we can edit this, right? kennedy: nope, thank you, yeah, i. it question next, is that rand paul's real hair, he replied yes, it is you [ bleep ] topic 4. britain it is so quaint with monarch and sweater vests, and duck who is encouraged to go on pub crawls, this is star, a beer-loving duck, follows his person from pub to pub, star is something of a devonshire celebrity, as englands most friendly duck, but star got into a bar fight, the duck had one
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too many, and pushed hi his luck with a dog, getting into a brawl, oh, no, star. don't worry, his bill has been mended, he on painkillers, he is expected to make a full recovery, maybe brett favre pain pill recovery, but he will be flapping his yap in though time. >> topic 5, chris pratt is one of the most recognizable stars on the planet, to prove that his parks and recreation costar took him on the street of new york city as a gift to the adoring legion of fans in gotham. >> who is this? >> i don't know. >> for a dollar. >> who is it. >> oh, you are an actor. >> liam? >> no. >> who it is? hottest star in the world.
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>> oh, my god. >> what is his name. >> chris everett. >> no. >> who is he. >> i don't know. thank you. kennedy: he saved money. he was going to give people a dollar for everyone that recognized him just one person did. lost a buck. i hope pratt reimbursed him. you know i want to see your stories tweet me. i can handle the randle. >> coming up, my panel returns to discuss donald trump's request for a secret service detail, like in the line of fire with a bright red-hot. todd hoffman is here coming up. >> we have an emergency here.
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♪ me, myself and i ♪ kennedy: donald trump' government to provide him with secret service detail because of the size of the crowd, that he is pulling in baby, but -- they are in no rush because i am a republican. is he in danger? the panel is back, dave, tom and guy, tom. i start with you, i think most people should not have a secret service detail. >> i think he should. but i don't think he should. he should be allowed to have it but i don't think he should take it, it would ruin his rep, he had should have his own guys, guys in the white stuart, the s,
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the frumtrump guys, he would lo. kennedy: right he would look like he is relying on the government. should we have private solutions to the government problems? >> on one hand no, he does believe in bigger government. as we have seen. kennedy: right. >> you know not for limited government. but, you are right he could afford bigger, security than the secret service. kennedy: winners. >> there are some legitimate beefs with the second ve secret, it did bother me that he sort of -- i say going like they don't care if someone happens because
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i am a republican. kennedy: that is not true, secret service people that i have met and heard about, they actually tend to be -- they have favorable opinions of republican presidents and family they guarded. >> it was silly going after their motives in the fastest sort of way, i am not really shocked. kennedy: dave, you are with me, we have way too much secret service protection. >> come on. >> but, the point trump made, is that he was talking about how when obama was running at-this-point he got secret service attention, stuff like -- he is polling way higher, this shows how much we still down take donald trump seriously. if anyone else was polling this high for this long, he would be the next president. >> i saw barbara and jenna bush
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walking down the street, there was no -- you could see guys with glasses, at first no detail. kennedy: does everyone need secret service, protection? >> no, the family, they are multimillion airs. saturday night live 40 special, eddie murphy was asked to join the cast for a cameo, he understood why snl wanted to make fun of cosby but he had no desire to make fun of cosby, saying, there is nothing funny about it, you get up there, you crack jokes you heart people, you heart hurt him, you hurt his accusers. >> i buy it, i don't have a problem with eddie murphy chosing right to do what you to and not want to do, but saying that it is not funny, but think of what that would mean to the victims as if that is a -- that is a joke.
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kennedy: is that not point of comedy, shine a light on uncomfortable areas. >> i don't know, i would not have done it. if i were eddie murphy, and if i were producer of saturday night live, i would not have done the sketch, i do not think it is funny, it makes me uncomfortab uncomfortable. kennedy: cosby thanked him. >> the way that murphy described it was convincing, he it not attack sln for going there, he said he did not want to do it myself, i don't know eddie murphy, it may come as a shock. but it seems he has been wounded by this horrible thing, so many people have loved bill cosby for so long they are shocked. kennedy: they have convicted feelings. >> i do! i can't deal with it. >> but if in a joke about world war ii or war in iraq no one
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says oh, think about the people. >> it is comedy. >> i never care about people. kennedy: that is what i love about. >> you it is just not funny, doing a bill cosby joke, hey the pudding like, it is about as funny as a geico commercial reference that is not funny. kennedy: i think that is funny, hump day, hump day! a new study taken over 15 years found many teens and young adults are thieves, one in 6 stealing somebody last year, they found that average price of stolen stuff is 34.50. they do it for the thrill. not the money. you are a klepto? >> no, and i just think that stealing is wrong. taking thins that not belonging to you are terrible. kennedy: great iphone though.
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>> what iphone. kennedy: are you surprised that number is so low. >> i steal 6 things a day, i would balance it out, in the green room i stole lou dobbs, you will never see him again. kennedy: stole? >> he is in high living room. >> you are going to hear a well the about donald trump. kennedy: it does violate property rights, all this talk of redistribution, what it says, what is yours is mine, and erodes boundaries between people there is no more personal responsible. >> it makes sense because two out of six live and one in six steal that mines half of them are stealing. kennedy: that is quick math, i did not know we were going to have a word problem at the end
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of this segment, well done. kennedy: tom, guy, and dave thank you, this was a lovely panel. coming up, reaching into my mailbag. >> but first, gold rush star todd hoffman is here, with a thirst for gold, can we 8 querch it. >> dude look at the size of that glad i could help you plan for your retirement. alright, kelly and promise me that you'll try that taco place on south street. and we have portfolio planning tools
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to help you manage your ira. yeah, you're old 401k give me your phone. the rollover consultants give you step-by-step help. no set-up fees. use your potion. sorry, not you. my pleasure. goodnight, tim. for all the confidence you need. who's tim? td ameritrade. you got this. the health care law gives us powerful tools to fight it. on medicare fraud. to investigate it. prosecute it. and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers are teaching seniors across the country to stop, spot and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us.
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glad i could help you plan for your retirement. alright, kelly and promise me that you'll try that taco place on south street. and we have portfolio planning tools to help you manage your ira. yeah, you're old 401k give me your phone. the rollover consultants give you step-by-step help. no set-up fees. use your potion. sorry, not you. my pleasure. goodnight, tim. for all the confidence you need. who's tim? td ameritrade. you got this.
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>> 3 generations of hoffman men are likely to strike it rich. >> you know what,. >> todd has opened a monster cut. >> that will slow this down. >> but success in gold fields of the north never come easy. kennedy: heavens to betsy it does not. a clip from discover' number one rated show, this season a battle like never before, they are pushing through dangerous business to find the most gold yet, william devein loves it, joining us now. todd hoffman from gold rush, on the discovery channel, kicks off from my home state of oregon. >> you are from oregon. kennedy: that's right.
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>> i came from the poor side of the track, i bet you didn't. kennedy: i grew up in the fancy land of silver spoons. >> it was all nice. must have been nice. kennedy: it really was. >> my childhood home is till there but probably close to getting ripped down, neighborhood has got everyone rough. kennedy: i know where you are from, it is fancy pants. >> no, it not, there are a lot of brewers but it is -- >> meth brewers. >> they drink a lot of stuff, it ain't beer. kennedy: are you a live action yukon cornelius? >> i was a point guard in college, i don't do a lot of action very more, i have a lot
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of issues with my leg, but -- i get out there. kennedy: you invented the show, that phenomenal, your get rich quick scheme has taken a lot of twists. >> these schemes are you know they don't work. so, it is slow, it is a lot of work. you know i have my son this year. hunter, my dad -- a lot of people love my dad, it is scary putting your son on tv, all that going on tv is miley cyrus. kennedy: how is this going to change him? how will world react to him, and turn to someone that fondles their own bot ox on tv. >> let me tell you two things family and faith. kennedy: miley is surrounded by her family, it has been reported christian americans and still a loosey goosey train wreck. >> but the deal, i did not just
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like, abandon, we are all live together. wirwe are there day in day out. kennedy: three generations. >> we are all there, we will spank him, just kidding, i said this to the nanny 911 lady, what is her name? kennedy: jo . >> she got so mad at me, i said, you should tell those parents to just spank the kids she walked off and looked back said oh, who is that guy with the beard. get me security. we have our family. >> now you -- are you getting rich? >> i can't say. kennedy: you got a booty smack in the jungle that made me fear for you. >> why does everyone bring up the jungle? before that, his hair that came out to here. kennedy: wow. >> now look. see, a situation there jungle
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everyone bridges tha brinks thaa get an ass kicking, i did but i like to think that i took it like a man. kennedy: i don't know what that means in this day and age. >> yeah. kennedy: season 6? >> it is going to be tv-wise the best season we had in gold rush, i am talking 6 years. kennedy: do you smack parker in the head. >> i don't touch parker, i would like to choke him a little bit, let's hope he has growth in how he treats people. i end the season with the same guys that i start with, these are my families, back in the day you played sports. kennedy: i did. >> we didn't have video games, we had. kennedy: atari, and poj. pong f. >> i told my kids i had frickin'
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lincoln logs get out there. kennedy: we had to go make our own lincoln logs. >> we played with the plastic army men, and see how far we could blow them away. what is your question? kennedy: i don't think it is possible for me to love you any more. >> i have a -- right here look at this. you know i have a gift for you. >> what? >> look at this, in here. is two little nuggets. kennedy: i love nuggets, oh, my gosh. >> you can turn them into earrings, i tried to pick out two that looked like arrows. >> holy cow, my daughters love gold, gold from todd hoffman, i love you more now, this is the greatest! we're rich! all right, gold rush premiered friday night on discovery, i might answer you. when i dig in my view are vieweg
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♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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kennedy: time to get kicked in the face wit windness, high -- windness, high 5ed by hatred. fernando says, kennedy for president. i am not kidding. neil is hoping uncle joe will enter, said biden the pick elizabeth warren and leave them all out in the cold. tuesday's debate, said quote, you know nothing about substan substance. you know nothing about spelling.
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>> this week a took a trip to comic-con. robert said, i think you should have gone in costume as mtv kennedy or a usc fan issue no one would recognize you. i would have been too busy at the bar with sark. and this calls for you doing your hair like princess leia, if i am doing full star wars hair, i am doing wookiee. i will stop shavingf twings for. maybe you can play music videos. >> i cannot. >> catch new episode of kennedy. on the fox business network, follow me on twitter and facebook. and e-mail address for next week's e-mail.
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>> warning, the following jokes are raunchy, risque, and for adults only. >> suzanne, you look great. i think i'll have your room sent up to mine. >> no one threw a better party, a better black tie, a-list, racy, raucous, hilarious party than the king of cool... >> dean martin. >> dean martin. >> deano. >> dean, you're a phenomenon. you look like cary grant and you smell like ed mcmahon. >> starvista entertainment and time life present the dean martin celebrity roasts. >> dean and i have been on more floors than johnson's wax.


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